I don’t know about you but I sure as hell know I don’t know everything. I think about a lot of stuff but usually when I try to write it out it is very confused and I am the only one that gets it. I wanted to try and explain this way of thinking with out using silly long words, that are based in a languages I cant pronounce like Latin.
I haven't read any books or used others ideas much. I've just observed I guess. I thought I should write it down so others can’t knick it and also due to my problems specking, there's a handy backspace key so I can get it just write. If when you read this you think, well isn't this obvious, then great.
I have written it in order from the outside to the deepest parts of the thing between our ears. If you get confused see the Glossary (here). This is only my way of understanding it, just cause I write though its fact it’s not, just my interpretation. Feel free to get pissed off with me for getting it wrong and for me saying u can feel free to get pissed of with me, its just my opinion.
where I put a number up here then that means I have explained it in the Glossary. If you click on the word it will take you to the right place.
People hide. We all hide to some extent or another, some people more then others, some people less then others. We have different layers, fronts or versions of our self or as I call them (completely inaccurately) faces.
This is the face that says good morning sweetly and politely to that guy at work we hate. If you want something, especially from a stranger you change slightly. The people who show this face to everybody usually lack real friends1 but few people can keep it up all day. These people should become estate agents, salesman and lawyers, as never being your self completely is a great career move in these “professions”.
Saying that it’s is not necessarily a bad thing to use this face, as I said we all hide, but can be used for your own personal gain. This is also used for flirting. You have control of this face to some degree, if you can’t control your outside face then you are using your seconded face not your first face. This gives people their first impression of who you are, as you get to know someone you see more of their second face.
Some people lose control of there first face; this comes from pretending for ages to be someone else . It becomes kinda automatic and can be hard to break the cycle. Or you lose control of this face if u drunk or stressed sometimes.
You can see through this face if you know what you’re looking for. Some people are good at hiding their use of this face, and you believe them, but often you get a feeling they’re not being them selves.
This is when a person is being their self. This is what you actually think. These are your true feelings. This is when you talk with out thinking straight from the first track3 of your mind (explained later). This is the face that you use when talking to trusted people. Often when talking to friends, even though you trust them, you still aren’t talking from the heart (as in what you really feel not about blood). It’s mainly used when you’re having a deep2 conversation.
This face can be hard to see if a person is using there first face, it can be impossible to see, which is very worrying cause then the person can lie to your face, so you have no clue what they really think.
Some people always are honest and never use their first face to cover their feelings. This face can’t really be controlled, any control you can have over this face is the Third Face. You may have several layers to this second face, some people have as many as 7, and as you get closer to there heart u see more of these sub faces, there's bits of our thoughts we don't process at the moment due to the way stuff like the fog works.
This is for me that little feeling that your not being totally honest. That there’s something you are not telling even the people you trust. When there's stuff going though the lower track3 of your mind (I explain further later) which you aren’t saying.
It is almost impossible to actually use this third face, as this is your last layer. Many people may never find someone they trust enough to show this final layer too them, but lil bits may slip in to the bottom of the 2nd face.
Now the actual mind, which does the thinking, starts........................
This is the voice in your head. When you speak you just broadcast this track, it’s like the final conclusion of your mind.
This does your thinking. All the things you are thinking about are here. All the things you have just thought of or said are here. Each thing you are thinking about fills a track of your mind. Traditionally there is 7 tracks. (see catch 74)
I could talk about how we think and why we think but it depends on whom you are. Saying that there's rules all our thinking covers and stuff we all think about. One day I will figure out these rules but that will involve a lot of thinking. The stuff we all think about comes from our instincts.
This is the stuff you don’t realize your thinking about. Stuff just sits in here and pops out and you think about them in your higher tracks again. If someone gets in here they will pop out in to your main thought track. This is less long term then the deep freeze.
THE FOG (previously know as DEEP FREEZE)
Everything that goes through your mind (yes every bit, including dreams) is stored in here. If something is thought about a lot it pops up more often (contributing to the catch 74 problem). If you never think about something for instance a maths equation it fades deep in to the fog, and if it’s not important like maths equations then it may totally disappear, but it usually only happens with maths equations.
A smell, taste, scene, song, thought or anything can wake these thoughts up and bring them flowing to the front of the fog. When this happens sometimes you can’t quite remember properly if it’s a very old thought. This is longer term then the subconscious.
These are basic rules that are implanted in our head from birth handed down thru generations from when a selection of molecules started rudely replicating them selves. Conveniently I didn't need to invent a name for this as it already had been defined, but often people forget we are animals and we too have instincts. These trigger interesting thoughts such as love, hunger, fear of some things and so on.
This does not take the wonder out of emotions just cause there instinctive. This is cause we interpret these feelings differently. Part of our brain like our body is just like any other boring animal. We’ve evolved things like a higher tracked mind and a first face, so as we can adapt. Insects just get instructions from there instincts and then they do it. Mammals, birds and fish consider these instructions in there few track mind and draw on the fog section of there brain then they do it, no first face, just straight out the first track of there minds.
If you aren’t looking up a word, or finished looking up a word then go to the start which is here (click on here to get there)
1) Friends
These are people who you trust and trust you back, not people you hang around with. Just cause you see them lots don’t mean they’re friends. You also need to exercise your trust with a friend. If you never actually tell them things about you then they’re only potential friends. If you trust a person and tell them things, but they don’t trust you, don’t kid yourself they’re not a friend tho they may be potential friends.
2) Deep
As in reference to a conversation. This is a conversation that is about a complex and/or important subject or may be just not about the everyday stuff. This is where both people having the conversation trust each other.
You can also have a different type of deep conversation. This is where conversations get deep in to a subject. For instance fate, you can take a conversation about fate very deep.
3) Tracks
You have heard the phrase “one track mind”, its meaning comes from this. The mind is made of tracks. For further info read the “first track” section and other track section, which you can get to by clicking on the word here. If you did actually have a one track mind you would be an ant, what they really should say is you have a 2-track mind.
4) 4) Catch 7
If something or someone is stuck in your head you need to think about, around 7 other things before it goes, This is usually impossible, cause you need to count the number of thoughts you have had, which reminds you of why your thinking about 7 things. This is called the catch 7 effect.
Written by
Matthew Alborough
Please distribute to anyone interested.
edited/updated on 15/12/03
published and editied 7/1/05